International — Fee Structure

As you can see from the table below, the first 100 new international members will only pay a once-off fee of $20 for lifetime access to the RSD Course.

New MembersOnce-off FeeStatus
1 000$300 
8 000$400 
10 000TOTAL 

N.B. After the first 10 000 members the once-off membership fee will be $500

The initial development and management of the RSD Course is self-funded — it has no donors! Therefore, in the early stages, the RSD Course will only be accessible to members that pay a very reasonable once-off fee. The early adopter members are thus our crowd-funders — thank you!

All international registration fees — beyond the first 1,000 registrants — go to education organisations to fund the edu point system.

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RSD Course Versions

The pre-alpha version of a lesson is one that has not been peer reviewed yet — however, don’t worry, pre-alpha is good enough to be live! The alpha version is an early version of a peer reviewed lesson that is part of a dedicated evaluation process. The beta version includes almost all of the final content, videos, etc. yet it may still need to be tweaked somewhat.

The first modules of the pre-alpha version of the RSD Course are already live. The reason for making the pre-alpha version live is that we are actively engaging with our ‘early adopter’ crowdfunding students and contributors so that we can build the best course possible. The completed alpha versions of the entire course will be live from the 1st September 2024.

The beta version of the entire RSD Course will hopefully be released by 1st March 2025. The ‘completed & refined’ release of the RSD Course (English) should be available around late-2025. The course will then be translated into other languages — around 10 languages at first, and then more according to demand.